вторник, 6 июля 2010 г.

The last crisis was the worldwide one, so it hasn't happend just in the US. it's a very hard time for many countries, including the country where I came from. There is also bad situation with the unemployment in Russia, and let me show you some figures I've found.

According to the national bureau of statistics "Rosstat", the number of working people in the country stands at 53 percent or 75,8 millions people. There are 92,7% of them who were involved in economics in May of 2010, and 7,3% were looking for a job. State's labor registry office says, that there are two million people who are registered as unemlployed in Russia.

I believe, that the figure should be more in a reality. First of all, I don't trust official figures just because officials in Russia not work very good, and usually they try to minimize the problem. The second point is that not all Russians would go to register themself as unemployed. I'm sure, that a lot of people would better try to find job and survive instead of registering. Sometimes it's a last thing people do. I'm sure, thet lot of people would feel embarassing to register themself in such statistics.

Another figure demonstrate the level of crisis as well. Officials say that in May of 2010 the number of people who had been dismissed was higher than the number of people who has been hired, and the discrepancy equals to 39,5 thousand people. At the same time it's a little bit less comparing to the April figures.

Finally I would say, that in spite of that taff information there it could be the reason for some optimism. The unemployment is less than in 2009 (it was 8,5% last year), and the difference between numbers of dismissed people and hired ones less as well. Compare with 43 500 people, such a number was fixed during first four months of the 2010.

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